Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dungeon Spawn of Adventure Seed

Seed: 3666440496532277820

In the past few weeks, I have decided on taking up the  fun of playing with seeds.
So, I go to the seed master collection on the minecraft forum and pick a dungeon spawn seed to try it out.
It is amazing!

This is the where I spawned (or whats left of it at least). I was very fortunate to have both dirt and lava accessible to me when I did, otherwise I would not have survived. I also destroyed the spider spawn while seeing if I could move it.  [How to be a Noob Tip: Destroy monster spawns] Personally I don't really care. It has allowed me to explore the connecting cave.

In this pic, I am standing in the connecting cave looking at the remains of a vain of coal that I dug out. The amount of coal and iron ore here are astounding. I have also found ore for gold and redstone in a large cave complex shown below. Mining is on the to-do list.

This picture was  taken from my camp in what I call The Super Cave. What you're looking at here is the tip of the iceberg compared to what I have explored. The cave is HUGE. Everywhere I turn there is another passage way. I have even dug (on a hutch) into a connecting cave, which seems to be equally huge. I also found there a zombie dungeon and enjoyed looting it. And the best part is, this is all just a short walk from the spawn.

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