Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Amazing Chess Board

(I'll throw up a picture later if I can get to it. The server was down)

So, today I was a bit bored, and began browsing classic servers to play on. I randomly picked a sever called something like "++Fireball Server++" or whatever. There was only like three people on (including the owner). So, I found a nice corner and debated on what to build. I finally decided to build a chessboard and got to work.

I build a regular board, red on obsidian, with pieces on each side ready to play. As I was finishing, I noticed the owner hovering above my build and watching me work. He actually finished my final touch, which was a wood outline to the board.

The chess board in its self was an alright build. I have seen some much better builds in my opinion. But the owner was impressed. He thought it was a creative build. (Which it was, seeing how most people build houses, castles and creepers. Honestly though, why does everyone build creepers?) So, I got a promo. This other guy (or girl) was flabbergasted. He kept complimenting on how amazing it was. He was like speechless. And he (or she) said it was cute. (which is why I wonder if it was a girl). I got tired of thanking this person for the compliments. Cause they were impressed.

So, a chessboard made my day.

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