Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1.7 jar

Now that 1.8 has fully been released, I have decided to media fire the last jar file of 1.7. I understand that some of the changes in 1.8 are unpleasant. For example, I do not enjoy the new food bar. It is a pain to have to bring enough food while I explore caves.
Anyway here it is:

Friday, August 26, 2011


uug. My adventures while exploring the Super Cave took a turn when the rain began to fall and my lag spiked. It just so happened that I was attempting to swim up the waterfall at the exact same time (this is the same water fall shown in the last post) and I got sucked further down. It just so happened that there was a skeleton dungeon at the bottom, so I lost about 70 torches, an iron pickax and sword, a bucket and other various items.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dungeon Spawn of Adventure Seed

Seed: 3666440496532277820

In the past few weeks, I have decided on taking up the  fun of playing with seeds.
So, I go to the seed master collection on the minecraft forum and pick a dungeon spawn seed to try it out.
It is amazing!

This is the where I spawned (or whats left of it at least). I was very fortunate to have both dirt and lava accessible to me when I did, otherwise I would not have survived. I also destroyed the spider spawn while seeing if I could move it.  [How to be a Noob Tip: Destroy monster spawns] Personally I don't really care. It has allowed me to explore the connecting cave.

In this pic, I am standing in the connecting cave looking at the remains of a vain of coal that I dug out. The amount of coal and iron ore here are astounding. I have also found ore for gold and redstone in a large cave complex shown below. Mining is on the to-do list.

This picture was  taken from my camp in what I call The Super Cave. What you're looking at here is the tip of the iceberg compared to what I have explored. The cave is HUGE. Everywhere I turn there is another passage way. I have even dug (on a hutch) into a connecting cave, which seems to be equally huge. I also found there a zombie dungeon and enjoyed looting it. And the best part is, this is all just a short walk from the spawn.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Surviving a Zombie Invasion (or partisipating in one)

Zombie Survival has become one of my favorite kind of classic servers out there. Zombie survival is like a game of tag. When the round starts, everyone has a few minutes to protect themselves. Either by hiding, or by building some kind of fort. Then when the clock runs out, a player is picked at random to be infected. It is his goal to get everyone else infected as well. This goes on for another five to ten minutes until only a few people stand.

The picture above was taken at the Derplin Zombie Survival server. Overall, the server is a lot of fun. However, there are some issues with it. Such as the pillaring blocker. Pillaring is the same thing as towering, only here they programed it out. Meaning, that if you stack three blocks on top of each other, it will destroy the last block and say "Pillaring is not allowed here." Unfortunately, the server will continue to give you crap even when you stop. This has been causing me a lot of pain while trying to conceal my self, (or get the remaining humans).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Amazing Chess Board

(I'll throw up a picture later if I can get to it. The server was down)

So, today I was a bit bored, and began browsing classic servers to play on. I randomly picked a sever called something like "++Fireball Server++" or whatever. There was only like three people on (including the owner). So, I found a nice corner and debated on what to build. I finally decided to build a chessboard and got to work.

I build a regular board, red on obsidian, with pieces on each side ready to play. As I was finishing, I noticed the owner hovering above my build and watching me work. He actually finished my final touch, which was a wood outline to the board.

The chess board in its self was an alright build. I have seen some much better builds in my opinion. But the owner was impressed. He thought it was a creative build. (Which it was, seeing how most people build houses, castles and creepers. Honestly though, why does everyone build creepers?) So, I got a promo. This other guy (or girl) was flabbergasted. He kept complimenting on how amazing it was. He was like speechless. And he (or she) said it was cute. (which is why I wonder if it was a girl). I got tired of thanking this person for the compliments. Cause they were impressed.

So, a chessboard made my day.

Boring Info

So, Im just going to start off by throwing some info out there just to help make sense of things.

First, I use three computers. Its not a choice, its because I have to. Why, is personal info. I use a desktop (which works like crap), a laptop, and an imac. I also sometimes play on a flash-drive because of this.

Second, I often play classic. I like the servers and my desktop works like crap.

Third, my desktop works like crap. (Yes, I know I'm repetitive) And when I say crap, I mean serious crap. I get the Blue Screen of Death regularly, the computer freezes often, and one of my user accounts takes 30-60 minutes to log in. I'm saving for a new one (cause I'm poor) and will let you know when I get one.

There you have it, hopefully the rest of my posts will make sense.